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Microlub Hit Up €4.2M in Funding to Advance Fat Replacement For Low-Calorie, Plant-Based Foods

MicroLub Team
Courtesy: MicroLub

Microlub, a deep-tech startup originating from the University of Leeds, has closed a €4 million funding round. The startup is spearheading an innovative solution that replaces fat in plant-based foods, allowing for low-calorie options without sacrificing the rich mouthfeel and texture consumers expect from full-fat products. The company’s unique approach, based on patented protein-based microgels, is poised to play a crucial role in the growing movement toward healthier, more sustainable food systems. With a focus on scaling this technology for commercialization, Microlub aims to reshape how plant-based and low-fat foods are produced, addressing key global challenges such as obesity and environmental sustainability.

Addressing Obesity with Technological Innovation

Obesity is an escalating global health crisis, affecting more than a billion people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This condition is linked to severe health complications, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. The economic burden of obesity is equally staggering, with billions spent annually on healthcare related to obesity-driven conditions. Yet, traditional approaches to weight management—primarily focused on reducing caloric intake through diet and exercise—often fail to produce long-term results.

Microlub’s technology aims to disrupt this trend. By creating a low-calorie fat substitute that can reduce the fat content in food by up to 75%, the company provides a vital tool in the fight against obesity. Consumers can now enjoy the sensory pleasure of indulgent, fatty foods, such as creamy desserts or rich plant-based meats, without the associated calorie overload. This breakthrough could help address the dietary factors that contribute to obesity, offering a healthier alternative without compromising taste.

Revolutionary Technology: The Future of Low-Calorie Foods

At the core of Microlub’s innovation is a revolutionary protein-based microgel technology. These microgels are designed to mimic the structure and mouthfeel of fat, providing a creamy, smooth sensation that food manufacturers and consumers alike value. The technology works by creating “molecular sponges” that are coated with polysaccharides, providing the texture of fat without the actual fat content. This approach allows food producers to significantly lower the fat and calorie content of their products without altering taste or sensory appeal.

David Peters, Microlub’s CEO and former head of Oatly UK, describes the technology as a game-changer for the food industry. “Our advanced protein technology enables manufacturers to reduce the fat content and calorie count of their products by up to 75% without any noticeable sensory change. This is a major step forward in making plant-based and low-fat foods more appealing to consumers,” Peters said. The company plans to use the recent funding to scale this technology and partner with food manufacturers to bring healthier, tastier products to market.

This technological advancement comes at a time when plant-based foods are experiencing unprecedented growth. Consumers are increasingly looking for healthier, sustainable options, and Microlub’s technology aligns perfectly with this trend. Whether it’s in dairy alternatives, plant-based meats, or bakery products, the potential applications for this fat replacement technology are vast, promising to reshape the plant-based food landscape.

A Step Toward Tackling Global Health and Environmental Issues

The implications of Microlub’s innovation go beyond just improving the taste of plant-based foods. By addressing both obesity and sustainability, Microlub’s technology aligns with global efforts to create healthier populations and reduce environmental impact. The rise of plant-based diets is often driven by concerns about the ecological footprint of traditional animal agriculture. However, many plant-based alternatives face challenges in replicating the rich, fatty textures of meat and dairy. Microlub solves this problem while simultaneously reducing calorie intake, making it easier for consumers to adopt healthier diets.

Obesity, in particular, represents one of the most pressing health crises of our time. It is not only a physical condition but also a social and economic burden. Efforts to reduce obesity rates have focused on encouraging healthier eating habits, but these initiatives often struggle against the widespread availability of calorie-dense, highly processed foods. Microlub’s innovation offers a middle ground, providing low-calorie options that don’t compromise on taste, potentially making it easier for people to make healthier food choices in their daily lives.

With the recent €4 million in funding, led by Northern Gritstone and supported by Praetura Ventures and LIFTT, Microlub is well-positioned to scale its operations and accelerate its impact on the food industry. The capital will enable the company to further develop its product line, expand its team, and increase collaboration with food manufacturers globally.

Microlub’s mission to transform the way we think about fat in food is not only a response to the rising demand for plant-based and low-calorie foods, but also a significant contribution to the fight against obesity and environmental degradation. By providing a healthier, tastier alternative to traditional fat-laden foods, Microlub is set to revolutionize the food industry, offering real solutions to some of the world’s most pressing health and sustainability challenges. As the company moves toward commercialization, the future of food looks a lot healthier—and just as delicious.



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